Each and every day we are bombarded with examples of how our modern society has fallen out of step with our long-held traditions and social mores. Our contemporary decadence has set us at odds with our environment, divided families, and placed our physical world at the literal brink of destruction. In order to reverse the dire course of human civilization, we can look to the world's earliest moral code which was practiced in the Ancient African Hapi (Nile) Valley, known as Ma'at (click here for more).
Through study, ritual, prayer, public discourse, and meditation, the Center for the Restoration of Ma'at seeks to re-establish the harmony which has for so long been set askew. Utilizing the following 14 tenets, the Center will not only focus on the study of Ancient Egypt (Kemet) but it will utilize its wisdom as a practical spiritual guide.
The 14 Tenets of the Center for the Restoration of Ma'at
1. To support and foster a group of African-centered specialists in a variety of fields (including world history, linguistics, archeology, and geology). These individuals will challenge the current narrative put forth by the global cult of egyptologists.
2. Ensure the rebirth of the language of Ancient Egypt, the Medu Neter, as a contemporary language for "Khamites" around the world.
3. Create a practical approach to Kemetic spirituality so the wisdom of Kemet will live once more. The Center will lead public ceremonies and rituals, publish books of prayer and affirmations, and assist individuals in this endeavor.
4. Challenge the false arguments of a Western, European origin of Ancient Egypt. Kemet was founded by Black Africans, and has always been in Africa.
5. Serve as a clearinghouse for publications on Ancient Kemet which are scholarly, but accessible to the general population.
6. Facilitate the pilgrimage which every African should take at least once during their lifetime, a sojourn to Kemet.
7. To reevaluate the translations of key Kemetic texts as to reclaim the power and efficacy of their spiritual teachings.
8. To continue to uncover to keys to the esoteric wisdom of Ancient Egypt. The body of knowledge established by the sages of Kemet is undoubtedly ground in a complex and advance sacred science.
9. To foster a return to the balanced, moral approach to our familial, communal, and societal relations which can be effected through the adherence to the principals of Ma'at.
10. To engender a harmonious relationship with our environment. Our contemporary disrespect for our environment places us on the brink of physical annihilation.
11. To foster balanced "Ma'atical" relationships between men and women in order to create healthy unions, families, communities, and nations.
12. To uncover the great traditional wisdom of peoples around the world, beginning with the contribution of Africa to the modern world.
13. To continue the work of luminaries such as Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Cheikh Anta Diop, and George James who successfully posited the centrality of the contributions of Kemet to our global society.
14. Work to create sustainable communities of Khamites by fostering economic, political, and social self- sufficiency.